Practice is generally held on Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 6-8 PM. Practice may also be held on Saturday mornings from from 9-11 AM on non-race weekends. Make-up practices may be scheduled when possible in the event of inclement or uncooperative weather.
Attendance at SST practices and races is voluntary. Obviously, the greater the participation, the greater the results. Athletes are required to rsvp to practices and races on the team app to ensure adequate coaching is available.
Parents are welcome to attend, watch and assist with practice. Volunteers are always welcome!
Athletes are generally grouped by ability and developmental needs. Athletes will ski, train and interact with athletes of all ages.
Athletes generally range in age from 5 to 19 (senior in high school) years of age. Athletes must be able to put on their own gear, ski at and advanced beginner to intermediate level, and get on and off the chair lift without assistance to participate on the ski team.
Athletes will work on skills and techniques that will help them improve and excel at ski racing. Drills and training will focus on body position, technique, conditioning, strategy and speed. The skills developed will carry over and benefit the athletes for a lifetime of skiing.
Wijara is the Wisconsin Illinois/Iowa Junior Alpine Racing Association. It consists of 9 teams - Blackhawk, Cascade Mountain, Chestnut Mountain, Four Lakes, Hidden Valley, Snowstar, Sundown, Tyrol Basin, and Wilmont. Wijara holds four races per year hosted by Chestnut, Sundown, Cascade and Tyrol Basin. The races are two day events on the weekend with Saturday being a giant slalom race and Sunday being a slalom race.* The races consist two races per day with a total of three timed runs. The first medals and team points are awarded on the combined time of the first two runs. A racer must successfully complete both runs to post a competing time. The third run is a stand alone time and medals and team points are awarded on the single third run. Wijara has evolved into one of the largest competitive race leagues in the midwest. *Note - the 2021 race season has been impacted by Covid-19 and the schedule is being modified to comply with state and county health guidelines.

Contact Information
Kurt K. Burnham - SST President
Austin Huyten - SST Head Coach